Tuesday, August 18, 2009

From Jeff: Six Hours In

The latest report from the boat is that Adam is still swimming well,
keeping his stroke count up, and is keeping nutrition down.


  1. Great news...I can't get any work done, I feel every stroke...Keep it up...You are anchoring a AWESOME relay...Will - Jeff...Keep it going, but don't false start...Satalite shows you can see France..

  2. When you see the shore, dig down deep and find the sprinter in you. He'll help you get through it!

  3. From Terri: We're all excited and pulling for you! It's hard to stay focused here @ Heartland!! Thank God Willie's the only doc here today because he's always behind. But you stay ahead and stay strong! Godspeed!!!

  4. I may be physically in Indy, but my heart and mind are with you just off the French coast. I can almost smell the french fries now...keep it up!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Keep it up Adam (Jane says so too)! Honestly, this can't be as bad as finishing up the run on your ironman, right?...not that I've done either.

    I'd like some in-race color commentary from the race veterans (Will and Jeff)...why are you guys all swimming S curves to France? Tides, ships, ...?

  7. Carol at Heartland is tracking you and cheering you on from home!! Full speed ahead!!

  8. Hey Adam we are all with you there - keep it a'going!!!! Brilliant job!!!

  9. Go Adam Go...You are looking good..Satellite shows you will be touching sand shortly...

  10. Steve,

    The curve is due to tide changes. Water height changes about 15 feet every 6 hours. Which is flushing the channel. The pilot is critical in making sure the swimmer is at certain points to benefit the changes. Stroke rates are very critical in making sure you get where you need to be. If you miss the change you are screwed and will be swimming alot more. My crossing was an arch and not an S. I have seen patterns that end up down the coast of france

    Crossed in 2006

  11. From Nan: Hi Dr. Adam! You are doing great! Keep up the good work. You are amazing!!

  12. Thanks Jim, very helpful.

  13. Mel-

    Still a ways to go. We don't have actual mileage. Trying to get that from the boat. This is the hard part because you can see France, but it doesn't seem to get any closer. He needs cheers more than ever now.

  14. Tell him this when those cold days in March swimming in the lake will pay dividends...He has trained well...Go Adam Go...The Cheers are getting louder...

  15. From Tracey/ICU: GO ADAM GO!!!! We are all cheering you on over here!
